Tuesday, December 7, 2010


So here is how life is going at the moment.

I can finally eat a little bit healthier! I hope to be posting some more meals ideas sooner than later.
With that being said, I will probably be MIA for about a month due to moving to another state.
For anyone with a question about Advocare go to my Advocare site and place a question to my email there.

The Holidays are upon us to I'd like to leave you with some tips to get through the holidays without hopefully putting on the pounds.

1) Don't eat everything you have an opportunity to eat

2) Eat extra healthy before and after and Christmas parties.

3) Don't eat to be pull or stuff your self. Enjoy the special things you'd like too and remember Christmas will come again.

4) Tell yourself your limit before you start your treats not during or after. Grab something and put it on the plate and be done. No excuses.

5) Take the stairs, park further away, go for a walk, drink lots of water and don't forget to get your sleep.

6) Think about doing a cleanse when the holidays are over. What a great way to start out the year.

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