Saturday, January 18, 2014

Hot MOMMY NEXT DOOR. Better than what it seems.

When I first saw this cover I was turned off.  I'm not trying to be the HOT MOMMY, I'm just trying to be a healthy mommy with a healthy family.  I am a personal trainer and group fitness instructor but still a simple MOMMY.  Even if you don't plan on reading it, I hope this helps!  Do pick up a copy and read if you get the chance.  Here are a few things I especially liked reading from the book.  

I've added some pics to help people with their food selections.  I also want people to know how many Calories they need to aim for.  So lets get to that first.  Here is the equationYour weight in lbs 1._________lbs divided by 2.2 = _____kg  Your weight in kg
     2.                kg weight_______x .09 x 24 = _________
3.                 NOw take your # from line 2 and multiply by .95 
4.      Take your Answer from 3 and multiply by 1.65 if you exercise moderatly every day.  
5.  NOW you Take your total and minus 500 less calories.  This has to be either from exercising and burning 500 calories in your workout.  If you don't get a work out in then take your answer from #3 and minus 500 calories for your allotted calorie amount for a day with little activity.

SO here is an example someone who weighs 172 weighs 78 kg
mulitplied by .9 and 24 = 1689 multiply by .95=1605
multiply by 1.65 for activity level gives me 2488-500=1988 

This would be a basic 1 lb a week weight loss.  

Whole grain can be confusing this might clear up some of it.

GOOD FATS ARE GOOD, in moderation

Not all carbs are bad, still keep to minimum.

I like to use my own first as a visual aid for how much of a healthy carb to eat in one sitting.  
So much information.  The best thing to do is start simple.

From me to you!  Get informed, get reading!

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