Thursday, October 14, 2010

Making time to exercise

When is there time to exercise? Funny how modern day technology makes things easier for us and yet there are still not enough hours in a day. What are we so busy doing?

Some people in our modern world work full time jobs, some work part time, some don't work at all.
Some people have large families consisting of 4 of more children, some have small families consisting of 1-3 children and some have no children at all. Some people live on farms while others live in a city. No matter what your time looks like YOU are in charge of how it is spent.

Before you can live your life you need to decide what you are living your life for. Knowingly or not we are all making decisions everyday, all day based on our goals, values or standards.

Some things that determine how I spend time in my life are the following :
daughters school
Self Maintenance

We have to set goals and make decisions based on those goals. So how do you make time to exercise? Start the week by making a list of all the things that must be done. If Exercise is a part of a must then pencil it in and don't let other things interfere. If something has to be sacrificed in order to take care of you health it will most likely be worth it in the end.

Learn to listen to your body and figure out when the best time for you to exercise is. Sometimes waking up early is hard to do but after the fact you'll feel great and ready to take on the day and be more determined to make better food choices.

If you're a person that works during the day, its not a bad idea to exercise right after work and get all the stress released before going home. Find meals that you can make in a crock pot or marinate the night before so you don't have to worry about on those days. You could do this two or three days during the week day and then add on a Saturday morning and or Sunday evening walk.

Sacrificing a nap if you're a tired mom with children just might have to happen once in a while.

little by little find what you can do when you can. Go to and check out all the exercise videos they have from abs to workouts on the go.

Make what is important to you a priority. There are days when I find my self sacrificing relax or me time to prep for dinner so that I can exercise in the evening so I can have my exercise "me" time.

I find that exercise helps my mental health as well as my physical. Do what you can and make improvements little by little and sooner than later it won't be such a struggle.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Health Bars, How does yours measure up?

These are some of my favorite bars. Why do I buy bars? I buy bars because sometimes life is busy and I need to get things done or go some where without skipping a meal. I don't believe in skipping meals because it sets people up for bad health choices. How many times have you been out running errands only to find time slipping away and you're hungry with still more to do before you can go home and eat. For most people in this situation the answer to the problem is FAST FOOD. :( That is how I feel about fast food on a general basis. I like to think of fast food as a last option not the first.

How about keeping healthy good tasting bars with you instead! I find different bars are good for different reasons because of their ingredients.

Odwalla Berries Go Mega-calories 210, Fat 6 grams .5 sat fat, Protein 5 grams, Fiber 5 grams,
16g of sugar
I like this flavor in this brand because of the balance in the nutrients. I love a bar that has a good amount of fiber that won't make you gassy. Yes I said it.

Luna Nutz over Chocolate-180 calories, 6 grams of fat, 2 grams of that is sat fat, fiber 4 grams, 10 grams of sugar, 9 grams of protein.
This one is very good tasting but better as a snack because it does not keep me full for as long.

Think Thin creamy Peanut Butter
230 calories, 8 grams of fat, 3 g sat fat, 1 g fiber, 0 grams of sugar ( 11 g sugar alcohol) , 22 grams of protein. Gluten Free
I think this is one to consider if you are getting a heavy workout in with lots of weight training.

Kashi Go Lean- More details to come

I think this one is excellent also as a snack but will not leave you full for long. Good source of fiber, natural and low sugar.

Larabar- Good bar for breakfast. Fruit and nut bar, organic.

Advocare breakfast Bar- Great for breakfast when you're tempted to skip. Made with real cinnamon flavor, soft crunchy texture that you can't eat so quickly. You enjoy every bite.