Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Fat Buster

Decide now to decide that you want a healthy lifestyle!
Here is a little list of things to start doing!

  1. sleep, 8 hours would be best
  2. Change your nutrition/your diet
  3. Create less stress/ Organize your life
  4. Use time management
  5. Exercise daily, even if it is only a walk - walk briskly (a Sun. stroll will not be as helpful)
  6. Make some goals in your life, not just weight management goals

Weight management
1. In order to maintain your weight you need to exercise at least 3 x/week for 30 min.
(eating somewhat healthy during the week)
2. In order to loose weight you need to exercise 4-5 days/week for at least 45 min.
(if you are a person that will always eat what ever you please this will be more necessary)
(think...calories in and calories out)
In order for your workouts to create a change in the body you need consume less calories than you're using. Also, weight resistance is key to tightening up the body!
3.Keep a record of what you are eating, what, when and how much.
4.Figure out about how many calories you should be getting.
5.Multiply the desired weight by 12-15 calories per pound for light to mod activity; 15-20 cal/per pound for high levels of activity. This number serves as a rough estimate.
From this estimate of calories needed to maintain weight, the third step is to determine the
number of calories appropriate for weight reduction by subtracting 20% of the maintenance calories per day. Divide this number into three, and you'll have a calorie target for each meal.
So if I was a women weighing about 150, but wanted to weight 140 and was only walking during the week this would be my equation.
140X15=2100 calories to maintain 2100 X .2 = 420
2100 – 420 = 1680 calories / 3 = 560 calories / meal
(this is a way for you to know what might be a healthy calorie intake. If you feel that the calorie amount is too little then add more healthy calories to you daily intake)
Successful weight loss should be no more than 1-2 lbs per/week for long term success.
6. Do not “diet” all day, then “blow it” at night. One is more likely to have success if they eat the majority of their calories during the day. ( I personally don't believe in "dieting")
7. Having a healthy breakfast, good lunch, and a light dinner will prove far more successful.
8. You need to decide, to decide now to lead a healthy lifestyle, one that you can keep. Allow room for exceptions with in reason. Make reasonable goal and allow your self time to achieve it. I allow 3-6 weeks before noticing a difference when making a healthy change, don't expect to see a difference in just a few days.
9. Try reading Ultra metabolism ( you will not regret it), 7 habits of highly effective families or people by Steven R. Covey (this one will help with stress in your life
10. Don't eat late at night. No later than 8, shoot for no later than 7pm. You'll be going to bed so you don't need to fuel up for sleeping, you're probably just board so find something to do.
11. Make time for your health, for YOU! Relax (Stress creates fat, especially around the belly)
12.Choose a partner, friend, spouse or child to exercise with.
13.Minimize dairy, non whole grains, cheese, processed, lunch meat, greasy, saturated fat foods
14. Drink water. Minimize soda pop, juice and any other sugary drinks.
15. Don't watch the scale. Those who only watch the scale will celebrate once they have lost the weight and let their guard down once it is achieved. Loosing pounds is only part of the battle.
16. Choose a healthy lifestyle, not just choosing to loose weight.
17. A healthy heart and body is more important than how much you weigh. Muscle tone is important to support the body.
18. In order to achieve healthy muscle tone you have to challenge and work your limbs, muscle and bones.
19.If you exercise your body you will also exercise the mind and soul.
20. Decide to be a happier person. Focus on your goals, your hobbies, friends and family. This will help you take the focus of food in your life as a filler for nothing.
21.Find time to exercise the body and mind. Find time to meditate and think of nothing, just breath.
22. If you're trying to lead a healthy lifestyle DON'T GO OUT TO EAT!
23. Take a multivitamin daily.  Be sure to take a healthy oil/fat supplement if you're restricting a lot of fat because you still need good fat in your diet.  Good Fats help your body absorb nutrients.  Good fats you can eat, peanuts, olive oil, avocado, etc...
24. Start your lifestyle change with a cleanse!
25. What you buy at the store you will eat at home. Choose wisely
26. Make a to do list every week or day. This is how you know what you are valuing in life.
*Don't eat to be full. How many times have you eaten only to feel disgusted afterward? Start keeping track visually in your mind of how much you put on your plate. Does this amount leave you feeling satisfied, full or hungry? Use the amount as a template for how much you should be filling a plate based on what meal of the day it is. Don't go for seconds once you've established what satisfies with out feeling full.*
Choose healthy snacks ( here are just a few ideas)
1. apples
2.rice cakes with peanut butter and bananas
3. yogurt
4. popcorn, non butter
6. fruit-grapefruit is great, berries, pineapple
7. all natural Popsicle
8.1 serving size of non butter popcorn

How to be healthy and keep it simple.
500 Calories less a day, 500 calories more burned a day  =  Weight loss, not gained.

Keep sweets and junk out of the kitchen, out of site.
Keep the things you like to eat close by.
Drink Water
Keep busy
choose things to eat, that you can count the calories.
Park further away from things so you can take more steps during the day!

Remember portion control and quality control.

If you tell yourself you can you will, if you tell your self you can't you won't.  Choose to be healthier.  No more excuses.

Personal Side NOTE:

I was starting to justify too many times that I could just have the snack late at night.  Well I certainly can't loose weight or reach my goals when I do that.  I am now being sure to eat early enough and choosing to end my night with good food going in to by body.  I did however have a cookie after lunch. Plan when to have a treat and when not to.

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